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CFOs are responsible for much more than managing a company’s finances. One of their most essential tasks includes recognizing and implementing strategies for overall organizational success. That includes analyzing employee benefits that can help the organization attract and retain a quality workforce, bolster productivity, and reduce turnover. As part of that effort, CFOs must carefully consider the return on investment (ROI) of benefits to ensure they are making the most effective use of company resources.
One benefit that is becoming increasingly important to employees and employers is assistance to make Child Care more accessible and affordable. Research backs up not only the need for Child Care assistance for working parents, but also the advantages for employers who offer Child Care Benefits:
To help CFOs determine the best course of action for evaluation, this guide will provide an analysis of the ROI of Child Care Benefits. It offers insight on the cost of Child Care, the further impacts of Child Care Benefits on employee retention and productivity, and the advantages of offering Child Care assistance. By analyzing the data, CFOs can make informed decisions about how to offer Child Care Benefits and ways to structure them for maximum ROI.
Child Care Benefits are becoming essential for companies to offer in order to attract and retain top talent. They are especially vital for working parents faced with the challenge of finding and securing affordable and reliable Child Care options while working hard for the betterment of their families. But Child Care Benefits also have a serious financial implication for businesses. Current infant and toddler Child Care needs are costing the United States $122 billion in lost earnings, productivity, and revenue each year. Businesses also lose an average of $1,640 per working parent in reduced revenue and in extra hiring costs, an impact that could be decreased or eliminated through Child Care Benefits.
How can Child Care Benefits remedy these losses?
New research has recently shown that Child Care Benefits can even help companies save on health care costs. A study by the Boston Consulting Group found that companies that offer Child Care Benefits gain an average of $2,000 per employee per year in health care savings. This stems from the fact that workers with Child Care Benefits are less likely to miss work due to illness or family emergencies. They also have more peace of mind knowing that their children are well-cared for, so they are more likely to be healthy and experience less stress at work.
Overall, offering Child Care Benefits can be a smart investment for CFOs looking to improve their company’s bottom line. By improving employee productivity, morale, retention, and even employee health, Child Care Benefits can help to create a more efficient and effective workforce.
Defining ROI in Child Care Benefits
Return on Investment (ROI) is a measure of how much profit or cost savings a company can expect to receive from an investment. In the context of Child Care Benefits, ROI refers to the financial benefits that a company can expect to receive from offering Child Care Benefits to its employees.
Calculating ROI for Child Care Benefits
Calculating the ROI of Child Care Benefits involves comparing the costs of offering the benefits to the financial benefits that the company can expect to receive. The costs of offering Child Care Benefits can include different expenses depending upon how the program is structured. (More about structuring options can be found under ‘Choosing Child Care Benefit Programs.’) Costs might include:
But the financial benefits of offering Child Care Benefits can include (as also mentioned above):
In looking to calculate the ROI of a Child Care Benefit, employers must carefully evaluate the total saving from the benefit (through reduced turnover costs, health care savings, increased productivity, etc.), and the overall cost of the benefit. Then the ROI can be measured by:
ROI = (savings from benefit) / (cost of benefit)
For example, imagine a Child Care Benefits investment of $100,000, but in a year the benefit saves the company $50,000 in reduced turnover, $20,000 in increased productivity, and $20,000 in health care savings.
ROI = (90,000) / (100,000) = 0.9 = 90%
This means that the company received a 90% return on its investment in Child Care. This is even before any savings from Federal and State tax credits and incentives.
In order to maximize the ROI of Child Care Benefits, it is important to consider the options for programs and effectively communicate the availability of benefits to employees. But before jumping into organizing a Child Care Benefit, there are several factors to consider, including:
Next, we will explore options in Child Care Benefits programs and how each option can impact the benefit ROI.
There are several different types of Child Care Benefits programs that employers can offer. Each one has a different level of commitment, finances, and impact on employees. Traditional models of implementing Child Care Benefits include:
So, if the traditional models of Child Care Benefits are expensive, require tremendous oversight, are underutilized, or are complicated for working parents, what’s left?
TOOTRiS Child Care Benefits
TOOTRiS has reimagined Child Care as the first and only technology solution that empowers organizations with a comprehensive, turn-key Child Care Benefits option to support employees with the least risk and zero burden. Through TOOTRiS, employers can now support their employees with Child Care in ways that don’t require an on-site center, the time and effort to develop and administer a program from scratch, or require extensive research and coordination from employees. Instead, TOOTRiS makes the process of securing high quality Child Care incredibly efficient for employees and employers. The turn-key Child Care Benefit provides:
All of this combines for peace of mind for employers (who can focus on simply running their business while retaining quality talent) and employees alike (who can concentrate on working hard and providing for their families because they have access to dependable Child Care).
As mentioned above, it is essential to measure the success of a Child Care Benefit to determine if it’s worth the investment. Tracking ROI over time and surveying employee satisfaction are key steps in assessing benefit outcomes.
Tracking ROI over Time
Measuring ROI over time allows CFOs to see if their investment is paying off and if the program is sustainable. In doing so, CFOs should consider the following metrics:
By partnering with TOOTRiS, CFOs may be surprised at how efficiently and quickly these metrics can shift. For example, consider TOOTRiS’s recent partnership with Mazda Toyota Manufacturing (MTM) in Alabama:
Another way to measure the success of Child Care Benefits is to survey employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction surveys can help CFOs understand how employees feel about the program and if it is meeting their needs. CFOs should consider if employees are satisfied with the quality of care provided, flexibility of services, and if they are experiencing less angst on-the-job due to Child Care concerns.
TOOTRiS is committed to meeting employee needs with a benefit and platform that is easy to use, time-efficient, and reliable. As a result, our corporate partners report increased employee satisfaction and a more focused workforce:
More case studies can be found at
CFOs have a lot to consider when implementing a Child Care Benefit program and assessing the ROI – but Child Care Benefits are essential for companies looking to attract and retain top talent while also improving their bottom line. By offering Child Care Benefits, companies can improve employee productivity, reduce absenteeism, increase employee retention rates, and even help establish a healthier and less-stressed workforce.
Furthermore, investing in high-quality Child Care programs can have long-term benefits for both the company and society as a whole. Research shows that children who receive high-quality early childhood education are more likely to succeed academically and have better health outcomes later in life. A study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) found that children who participated in high-quality early childhood education programs were more likely to graduate from high school, attend college, and have higher earnings as adults. As a result, companies that commit to prioritizing Child Care Benefits are actually contributing to the strength of their future local workforce and economy.
While the initial steps of implementing a Child Care Benefit program may seem daunting, the long-term benefits far outweigh the investment. And by partnering with TOOTRiS, establishing a Child Care Benefit is turn-key, cost effective, and seamless.
Companies that invest in their employees’ well-being and provide Child Care Benefit can see a significant return on investment in terms of increased productivity, reduced turnover rates, job satisfaction, and health care savings. Additional tax credits and state-specific incentives for companies to offer Child Care Benefit can make implementing a program even more attractive.
TOOTRiS provides exponential human capital ROI allowing companies of all sizes to eliminate Child Care as a barrier to growth and compete with higher retention, recruiting, productivity, and zero HR admin burden. CFOs owe it to their companies to explore Child Care Benefits as a way to improve their bottom line…while also making a positive impact on their company’s culture and society as a whole.